Monday, February 15, 2010

Tonsillitis What Are Some Good Remedies For Tonsillitis?

What are some good remedies for tonsillitis? - tonsillitis

I keep getting tonsillitis (once per year) uninsured and can not afford to visit doctors. Besides soup, what can I do to help these dicomfort?


  1. Gargling with warm salt water. Do not swallow!

  2. Unfortunately, not good, but sometimes seems to be tonsillitis May in fact an allergy, so if you have an allergy in May with calm and less stressful med you feel better soon. I hope you feel better soon

  3. Tonsillitis that is caused by a virus usually on their own. Antibiotics are not effective treatment for viral tonsillitis.

    The virus causes that can Mononucleosis (mono) lead to tonsillitis that is as severe tonsillitis caused by bacteria and can take several weeks or longer, until it disappears.

    Home treatments such as gargling with salt water, drink hot tea and taking medication for pain relief for children aged 6 months or more can help relieve discomfort. The disadvantages of analgesics such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen should be given to children instead of aspirin. None of those 20 years or younger should take aspirin because of its link with Reye's syndrome. Paracetamol should not be administered to children younger than 6 months without consulting your doctor.

    Many drugs, such as antiseptic mouthwashes, decongestants and antihistamines contain extra ingredients that do not minimize its discomfort. These resources are not recommended for children, as has been shown to have benefIntensity in the treatment of acute tonsillitis.4

  4. Tonsillitis that is caused by a virus usually on their own. Antibiotics are not effective treatment for viral tonsillitis.

    The virus causes that can Mononucleosis (mono) lead to tonsillitis that is as severe tonsillitis caused by bacteria and can take several weeks or longer, until it disappears.

    Home treatments such as gargling with salt water, drink hot tea and taking medication for pain relief for children aged 6 months or more can help relieve discomfort. The disadvantages of analgesics such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen should be given to children instead of aspirin. None of those 20 years or younger should take aspirin because of its link with Reye's syndrome. Paracetamol should not be administered to children younger than 6 months without consulting your doctor.

    Many drugs, such as antiseptic mouthwashes, decongestants and antihistamines contain extra ingredients that do not minimize its discomfort. These resources are not recommended for children, as has been shown to have benefIntensity in the treatment of acute tonsillitis.4

  5. Tonsillectomy in general.
